18 People Who Saw a Coworker Do Something That Should Have Gotten Them Fired
Nathan Johnson
The workplace can be a crazy place at times. Sometimes you have a great job, amazing co-workers, and a cool boss. Other times, however, you may end up with the worst co-workers imaginable, crappy working conditions, or management that don't seem to care.
Check out some of the horror stories people shared in an AskReddit thread about "what is something you witnessed at work that should've gotten someone fired".
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A couple of years ago, I had a contract to clean a utility company's offices 2 nights a week and I had a key to get in whenever I want to clean them.I unlocked the door and one of the utility employees was borking the secretary on a desk. His pants were around his ankles and her legs were in the air. His ass cheeks were wrinkled like walnuts. I had walked in on them mid stroke. They looked at me with a terrified look and I left.I drove around for a while and went back after they had left and the office was spotless, they had cleaned it for me. -
Guy had a stolen handgun, from sheriff's locker. His story changed a few times, got 5 days off.Turns out, he's a felon anyway and got caught downstate with...a loaded handgun and a litany of charges. We'll see if he keeps his job after this one, he's supposedly related to someone big, politically. -
I worked in a shop that sold tools. Saw a guy take an axe and hack at his own hand to get an injury so he could watch England play football in a friendly. Only time I grassed anyone up, but I didn't want to work with a psycho in a building full of potential weapons.
He didn't come back to work. I guess they sacked him. -
Coworker jokingly threw a box at my chest and knocked the wind out of me and I collapsed. He begged me not to tell anyone and I didn't. The guy was a weirdo. He'd talk about how he'd burn insects and starts fires. Weird shit. He ended up getting in more trouble later on for some reason or another...crass jokes, sexual comments....either way, he eventually transferred stores and I never saw him again. This all happened back in 2013-14.
Fast forward to earlier this year 2023, my store was getting a major remodel, and he was one of the managers that came from afar with a team of workers to do the remodel. I was surprised he was still with the company, let alone in a leadership position. I said hi to him a time or two, but he was busy with the remodel project on the other side of the store so I eventually stopped seeing him.
This whole time things were tense between the remodel crew and our store crew. Pallet Jack's getting stolen, supplies going missing, etc. Both sides hated each other.
I hadn't seen (we'll call him John) in a few weeks and noticed there was a new manager on the remodel crew. Either way, things were finally cooling down between us.
Out of curiosity I asked one of the remodel crew what had happened to John, and they told me, "Oh you didn't hear? He got demoted for trying to start problems between our teams. He'd tell us to steal your pallet Jack's and tried getting a few people to fight". -
When I was in high school, I worked at Dairy Queen. I was on the opening crew one Saturday and the assistant manager unlocks the doors, lets us in, and tells us "Guys, I'm really hungover right now so I'm gonna sleep in the back. Wake me up if you need me." She goes back and curls up on top of the laundry machines (we washed all the uniforms on site because they get covered in ice cream). It was a slow day so and she was the cool manager, so we all let her sleep and never told the owner.Another night, one of our cook's buddies parked their car in our lot and he just hung out there with them smoking weed for a couple hours. If someone ordered food, we'd go out and get him. He'd come back inside, cook it, and go right back out. The rest of us had the decency to smoke after work, but nobody ratted him out either. -
Work in a residential setting for teens with behavioral issues. There’s 1 staff in particular who should not be working with kids and it was clear on my 2nd day. He’s almost 50 and behaves like a 15 year old. He’s always going back and forth and gets mad about everything with them.One day things got heated between him and a kid for the 100th time and he ends up choking the kid. The kid was actually being more mature about it and he wanted to continue to fight the kid. We separated them and I was holding the staff back when he started to get mad at me for not letting him beat up a 14 year old.I’ve only been at this job for 3 months and was told by other staff that this has happened multiple times now with different kids.He still has a job because he’s best friends with the 2 bosses -
A girl at my work literally punched another employee in the face multiple times AT WORK. The girl who got punched left obviously. The girl who did the punching still works there to this day. Edit: oh yeah, and there's also a video of it that was sent to a lot of the employees BY HER. She definitely has blackmail on the owner. That's the only logical reason we can think of why he won't fire her. -
I worked in a milk factory. I was working with a man that was a bit off. We had to take the milk cartons on a conveyor belt and place them on a pallet. While we were working he said "time for a break" and slammed a blade used to open boxes into the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt got absolutely destroyed and the machine was in maintenance of two days after that. -
Was working at McDonald’s. Watched a female crew member sneeze into her hands, and proceed to make a wrap and sent it out. I threw it in the bin before front staff got it. -
I work overnights at a hotel. They hired a guy to be the security/valet and in the first two weeks he was found sleeping on the job. The first time he was found by a third coworker. We told the manager and nothing happened. The second time the manager found him sleeping in the bell closet in a wheelchair. He got sent home but didn’t get fired. -
A nurse I worked with left narcotics (meant for a terminal patients pain management) in a room with a patient in for recovery from a narcotic addiction. The recovery patient was the one that walked out in the hall and handed it to me saying “these were meant for someone else”. She left a months supply in that man’s room. I brought it to the desk, manager should have fired her on the spot. Dip nurse just laughed and said “blonde moment”, manager laughed along side her. I spent most of my shift just staying with the guy who’s life had been ruined by the very thing he just had to handle. I quit a week later. -
I worked at a special needs day program many years ago. Wednesdays were classic film day at the local theater and we’d take the clients. I was a 1:1 meaning I had only one client. My direct superior had 3, and a substitute had 4. The substitute lost one of her guys and didn’t realize it until after the film when we were counting clients.Long story short, I got fired & the superior got fired. But the one whose responsibility it was to watch him kept her job. The client was fine, though, he was found a mile down the road asking for a police officer to help him find his way home. -
On crack at work, doing nothing, thinking he was doing everything, but was in fact just talking a lot and sweating all over everything -
I was managing a restaurant/club, late night food orders were getting backed up and 2 of the cooks were missing. Nobody knows where they are but we know they didn't leave, their coats and backpacks are still here.
I walk around outside and between a dumpster and the building one of them is blowing the other. 1 guy was married, the other was a college student working art time.
I didn't fire them, just told them to finish up and wash their hands asap. -
The supervisor left the safe open.At this job, he should have absolutely gotten fired but his blunder got overshadowed because one of the douchier employees stole 50k and went on the run for over half a day. -
I worked at a small map company. Our first task when we started was to add rivers and lakes over satellite imagery/topographic maps. It was a summer job when I was in college. Both me and the guy who worked next to me were 19-20ish. It was very dry, repetitive, tedious work. We weren’t really allowed to talk while working so for the most part just plugged away at our own computer stations. Occasionally we would write notes to each other. Towards the end of the summer when he was about to go back to school my coworker went off the deep end. He just started drawing line art with the GIS software and naming them things. He drew Santa and his reindeer. Made up like half a dozen lakes with a bunch of whacky names like “Lake Milk Was a Poor Choice.” I didn’t tell anyone what he did and I wonder what the quality control people thought of it. He definitely would have been fired had they known. -
At my last job we had this guy who seemed normal, I knew he did some club drugs outside of work but I don’t have a problem with that. Anyways, he shows up to work one day COMPLETELY fucking blasted on ketamine. Like couldn’t walk right, couldn’t talk. This mother fucker gets mad at me when I send him home, the next day I get to work and our boss is like “hey man what did you say to Tyler last night? He said you’re a huge asshole and he’s never working with you again”. I told him and my boss goes “oh. Okay. Well I think he quit, he said if I don’t fire you he’s done here”Bold fucking move to make after showing up in a k hole during your third week of work at our company lmfao -
Me, when I used to show up to work drunk every day. Still don’t know how I got away with that… Someone definitely knew. There was no way, my breath smelled and my walking wasn’t straight. But management liked me, and drinking on the job was an immediate fire, so nobody said anything. I miss that job, I don’t miss being drunk 24/7.
- 18 People Who Saw a Coworker Do Something That Should Have Gotten Them Fired
- 35 Darn Fine Randoms For Your Viewing Pleasure
A couple of years ago, I had a contract to clean a utility company's offices 2 nights a week and I had a key to get in whenever I want to clean them.I unlocked the door and one of the utility employees was borking the secretary on a desk. His pants were around his ankles and her legs were in the air. His ass cheeks were wrinkled like walnuts. I had walked in on them mid stroke. They looked at me with a terrified look and I left.I drove around for a while and went back after they had left and the office was spotless, they had cleaned it for me.